Build your private cookbook by gathering recipes on the web and using the import features.
Use our search engines to find a new
recipe on one of the various cooking websites we support.
Easily create unique and personalized recipes with ChatGPT's AI-powered recipe generator.
Or find recipes from your friends cookbooks.
Add your own recipes manually. Use our bookmarklet to import a recipe from the web. Scan your recipes from your favorite books, magazines. Or import your digital cookbook using one of the file formats we support like Meal Master (.mmf), MasterCook (.mxp), LivingCookBook (.fdx) , Rezkonv (.rk)...
Your recipes are stored in the cloud and will be available on your computer, your tablet or your mobile. You can also synchronize your account with our android application.
Create your weekly or monthly meal plans. Drag your recipes in your calendar, change servings and create your shopping lists.
Invite your friends to join COOKmate, share your recipes with them and view their recipes. Or share your recipes on Facebook or by email, sms, and others.